tara raw vegan goddess father

Kiss from my handsome &

awesome father.


Stephen Michael Pagan

Born in Baytown, Texas ☆

September 1, 1953 - January 21, 2008






MARCH 1ST, 1979

♡42 years old♡

HEIGHT: 5'9"















 Welcome to my life,

thank you for visiting.




The nice nurse went against hospital rules, & allowed my dad to sleep in mom's bed with her the 1st night after I was born.



My baby stuff.♡



 Mom sent me this photo and said:

"We were at Disneyland, but this was your happiest face all day."

Well, what is more fun than dad hanging you upside down by your ankles? Nothing!


Little me.


Anyone need sand..? I thought so...



Love my little brother so much...♡♡♡


My awesome father built this for us, with his own hands, he was a great carpenter. :)

He also painted it a really cool camouflage pattern, he was a terrific artist, but the stupid city made him paint over it.   >:( 


Winning.... :)

Our old poodle Chelsea...sweet girl R.I.P. XOXO


Poco, half chihuahua half dachshund, sweet girl R.I.P. XOXO






Getting rather plump in my late teens...


Freshman year of high school,

my sweet date wrote an adorable poem & had someone deliver it to me while I was sitting in class well played sir. ♡

How could I say no!


Awesome fun very sweet girl next to me!☆




Art school days, around 22 years old.

Heading out on the town lol.





Catalina Island with gramma, aunties Jonelle, Pamela, & Debbie, & mom, we rode a ferry out & spent the day.♡

I absolutely loved it, did not want to leave, island life is so magical!







I joined a belly dance troupe while in California.

Tons of fun, miss those silly girls & our director Laurie aka "Isis", our 2nd mom....♡♡♡



Before or after a show, cannot remember. ;)-

Why so serious Tara??



On stage... ♡♡♡




Group photo ♡



Isis Dancers♡



Santa Monica...♡



Sujey & I paired up often, being the 2 tallest!♡



On other nights I go-go danced for a rock band, lots of fun!

You cannot see very well, but I wore a pink pig mask.

I have to search for more photos.

That was a super fun show.



I forget which venue this was, but it was a fun night!



Mi en Sea Rim State Park June, 2017....

Back in Texas, SO much fun!


Mi hermanito and I, many moons ago in Texas.

♡My only sibling, Travis Michael Pagan.♡

My full name is Tara Michelle Pagan, and I was born in Houston, Texas on March 1st, 1979. 

Gardening, traveling, playing with animals, exploring nature, foraging wild foods, dancing, drawing, painting, swimming, sunbathing, loving, relaxing, and nudity (lol) are my "favorite things". 

In October, 2011 I was convinced to stop eating animal products, which was perhaps the best decision of my life!

I literally feel reborn, and estranged from the person I was prior to this change.

The purpose of my life is to be an example, proof, and evidence that humans....are....herbivores, not omnivores. 

Good health is not dependent upon bloodshed, or depriving a baby animal of it's mother's milk.

This is wonderful news! I believe all people would be truly happy about this, but I digress. 

I grew up in The Woodlands, TX, and after graduating high school there, I traveled to Sarasota, Florida and obtained a Bachelor of Fine Art in illustration from a private art college, Ringling School of Art & Design. Ringling was the college I chose, after my applications were accepted into all 5 top rated, reputable art schools around the country I had applied to ;)-. Florida was my final preference, simply because...sun and hot beach! The other colleges were located in northern states, in the cold lol. 

After graduating art school, I moved back to Texas, where I lived in Houston for a few years, then I traveled to Los Angeles, California where I lived for about 4 years, focusing highly on my dancing passion over that span of time. I then moved back to Texas, to live in Austin. After a few years in Austin, I was finally, magically enlightened. 

A divine intervention of sorts?

Diet, gardening, fitness, and environmental awareness have since captured my attention, and so here I am, typing my autobiography on my new website, dedicated to highlighting the crucial importance of eating well, staying physically active, nonessential material irreverence, having compassion for animals, caring for the Earth, and caring also for the universe!

To be continued...thank you for reading. ~Tara 

*The color palettes, fonts, logo, artwork, and page layouts of this website are all designed by me (I do not create the actual fonts lol, to be exact, I just choose which font to use).

I add all of the pages, I take all photos used on my website, record all videos, upload videos & photos, write text content, design the page layouts, create all artwork and logos used, choose the color schemes, etc.

Shopify handles the technical developing, coding, and such, thank you!



Casey Walden Kimble

He is the reason I went vegan in 2011!

Forever in his debt. ♡

I cannot imagine what my health would be like today if I had not.

We were just 23 year old pups here.


And still eating fried chicken sandwiches.

Thankfully that changed years later hallelujah.




Moi en Florida Keys, 2017

tara raw vegan goddess vegan dog

Harley Boo, sweet girl. Austin, TX 2017

Website established in April 2017.