1st time growing sweet potato plants
I just planted an actual sweet potato into the ground.
The cute heart shaped leaves are edible!
Gardening is a powerful
natural & healthy antidepressant activity
stay pill-free
all people should grow edible plants.
Beautiful purple
black bean blooms
& baby pods.
I eat them straight out of the pod raw while they are still full of water and soft!
Protein & fat.☆
Bean leaves are edible too!
The sun perseveres
be like the sun.
Good morning sunrise!
Pretty sunset show.
fresh air!
The perfect gift of
for yourself & others,
I am hooked on
infused water
fun to make,
smells & tastes delicious!
I use this orange peel water on my hair & pour it in bath water,
I stopped using toxic soaps and cleansers very unhealthy
no chemicals absorbing into the bloodstream &
it's awful accidentally getting chemicals into your mouth or eyes
during a shower.
Not pleasant!
I could literally drink this
The truth about health &
letting go
of burdening &
unhealthy stress
over other people's actions.
Not allowing other people's wrong decisions to upset me.
Juicy fruits are a perfect way to hydrate,
Have a safe
October 2020
make it
positive & productive
& healthy.
I love this with breakfast!
Duke loves it too
he dunked his tongue into it right after I took the photo lol.
Oh well, just a
healthy dose of
natural B12 for me!
Outdoor doggies are always
chewing on soil & soil is
reported to be the home of B12 producing microorganisms,
soil is all over their tongues lol.
Simply spending time outdoors & touching animals, plants, rocks, etc.
will allow natural B12
to absorb into the body,
traces of soil are all over everything outdoors!
So, gardening is a great hobby.♡
Also these dogs do not eat germ-rich,
cured & processed meat pet foods,
they are only fed antimicrobial
fiber-based whole plant foods,
so their mouths are clean.
However they still unfortunately kill & eat mice and such & insects
but that is natural,
raw, sun-dried/disinfected,
unsalted/untreated meat
which is the only healthy form.
Also pure 100% cacao
is actually healthy for animals,
cacao is not
poisonous or
deadly to dogs
just the opposite!
Cacao is very nutritious for animals as it is for humans.
Studies birthing this misunderstanding about dogs and chocolate
were likely done using
milk chocolate
which contains cow's milk
& cow's milk is
infamously unhealthy to any animal other than a calf.
I have been feeding the same dogs pure cacao for over a decade &
without any negative symptoms
only happiness & vitality!
Anyway lol
this is yummy try it!
Fall is'a comin'.
Turn off the media,
& make yourself some
Mmmmm ♡
This is the STUFF!
green onions
black pepper
Totally flavorless
raw vegan food,
Oh and no unhealthy
blood pressure destroying
dehydrating/skin aging
table salt.
Table salt is a common unhealthy ingredient in guacamole
& pretty much everything served at any restaurant is loaded with table salt as is almost all processed foods sold in stores.
People and children are basically turning into big salt blocks
with arms and legs.
People consume so much table salt,
ultra high sodium diets,
everyday, it is insanity,
& very unhealthy.
Kicking table salt is really easy simply stop buying it.
Choose unsalted foods over
salted foods,
any time you order food say
"No salt please."
& your taste buds will recover from the damage!
I actually dislike salted foods now,
never thought that was possible!
A great way to stay
& maintain strong natural immunity against environmental germs is to ingest whole fruits, herbs, nuts/seeds,
and vegetables into your body
all day
every day!
Focus on eating whole & unsalted plant foods with every meal & snack.
Table salts are very unhealthy,
all people need to do is stop consuming table salts & the difference will be clear.
Overall health & appearance improves on a salt-free/0 processed sodium diet.
As of now people
& children
are consuming
hundreds & thousands,
millions over a short period of time,
of milligrams of
processed sodium/table salts.
¡No bueno amigos!
The healthiest type of natural salt would be the residue on oceanic plants & rocks & such if people really want to add salt to their food that badly. ;)
The more I eat unsalted foods the better I feel & look &
I dislike the taste of salted foods now as my tastebuds recover from an unnatural/unhealthy salty diet!
"Whole" foods are unprocessed/pure,
1 ingredient foods.
No added table salts,
no added refined sweeteners
aka table sugar
& sugar substitutes,
no additives/preservatives.
Pure ♡
Today I am ♡fortunate♡
to have already eaten whole plum, mandarin, onion, pepper, red potato, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, & some others too many.
Consuming lots of limes lately
I love lime flavor!
I squeeze lime juice into everything & in drinking water to give water flavor.
The best & only way to stay healthy is by literally ingesting real nutrients from plant foods,
not from pills and shots which are ironically made from unhealthy animal products & unhealthy artificial ingredients that cause health issues.
I also use the leftover peels for cleaning citrus fruits are a natural & ecofriendly cleaner!
Grapefruit is a perfect refreshing morning food just one bite will really wake you up!!!
You can feel it
stimulating your metabolism and
increasing the heart rate
grapefruit is awesome!
Tonight's show!
Look up. ☆
I could drink this all day
so good!
Super sweet & tasty
not 1 grain of
unhealthy table sugar
no added sweetener
no preservatives:
Watermelon, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg.
Perfect suntanning drink.♡
Mushroom guacamole on
raw broccoli,
I was asked for smoothie recipes here is an easy yummy one!
1 whole guava
1 banana
1/2 inch of ginger root
I just drank this delicious!
This one is really sweet!
Yummm a blessing to drink.
Coconut juice is more effective at preventing bodily infections than
isolation or facemasks,
which are actually counterproductive to good health.
Many large chain & Hispanic & Asian & Indian grocery stores sell coconuts if you do not live near coconut trees,
thank you farmers!
Coconuts are low cost also just 1 dollar and some change usually,
great healthy foods are very affordable!
I will drink it in a car,
I will drink it driving far,
Sam I am!
coconut juice!
Patiently waiting for more he's such a calm boy.♡
I could eat pistachios non-stop 24/7!
Grapes are full of healthy high sugar carb juice a wonderful hydrating fruit.☆
Mmmm breakfast ☆
dipping banana into some coconut crumble I made,
so good!
Banana Kiwi Ginger Walnut
Fresh coconut juice straight from a coconut is very nutritious, hydrating/anti-aging,
& a natural/healthy
Guacamole heaven awaits
No table salt or added oils.
Avocados contain lots of natural & healthy unprocessed oils/fats.
Plenty of delicious spices,
no table salt necessary,
table salt damages taste buds
& causes people to crave unhealthy high-sodium processed foods.
Eating unsalted foods helps maintain a healthy craving,
salty foods taste unpleasant to me now.
Eat naturally!
Great question I received today,
I will start searching online for anything that makes sense, & post links asap.
I am happy people are becoming concerned about something extremely concerning!
One of the best indicators that alcohol is literally poison is,
alcohol makes people sick.
Traditional wine is also alcohol,
it is not a health drink it is poisonous.
Alcohol causes people to regurgitate & sweat,
those are symptoms of poisoning.
"Hangovers" are another strong indicator that alcohol induces tremendous physiological stress.
Any substance that causes such unpleasant sensations
or after-effects
is extremely unhealthy.
Stick to things that make you feel good and
ONLY good.♡
Avoid anything that makes you feel bad at any time.
Also if people drink too much alcohol at once they will die,
from alcohol "poisoning".
The general public is not concerned about alcohol because alcohol is so widely promoted,
it is encouraged by doctors,
& the government,
& some religions,
& mainstream media,
it is legal,
many holidays are centered around becoming intoxicated,
all of this propaganda leaves the public with a tragic impression that drinking poison is harmless.
Alcohol is also a major cause of "homelessness",
1 of the top causes I would say.
Some people need a law implemented to
make them stop drinking.
I stopped drinking because it makes me literally feel bad & I do not want to damage my health,
alcohol also wrinkles the skin badly
because it is so
Wrinkles can be erased by rehydrating the skin.
1st step in rehydration is quitting alcohol.
I am hooked on this lately,
I drank this all day yesterday,
& oaties on top.
So yummy & filling!
5 grams of protein in 1/2 a cup of oats!
It's a pepper!
Me thinks either serrano or jalapeno,
I planted all different varieties,
all different colors,
it is all an exciting mystery
have to wait and see!
Fresh picked plant foods are the best vitamin and supplement.
This plant is growing in a pot,
peppers are very easy to grow in pots or in the ground.
Seeds can be obtained from store bought peppers.
I rarely go to restaurants anymore but if you have pepper seeds on your plate save them and bring them home I have done that many times!
Tomato seeds also anything and everything.
Only 2 countries continue
to allow DTCA from
pharmaceutical companies.
Pills & shots are advertised like cereals in America.
Fat, sugar, herbs!
Coconut, banana, & ginger
smoothies for breakfast,
so filling & yummy!
Straight from the coconut is the best!
Aahh mmmmm
I just opened a portal to heaven.
High fat raw vegan♡
Coconut, avocado, walnuts, peanuts,
almonds, sunflower seeds,
I believe healthy fats should be consumed in large quantities,
never limited.
Yayee EAT,
lots of protein & nutrient rich calories in high fat plant foods also!
2 avocados so far today.
Healthy fats. ♡
Add more flavors &
nutrients to everything
with delicious herbs!
Soak in drinking water &
add to meals & snacks.
No facemask or isolation necessary,
keep natural immunity strong!
Ginger, lemon, lime,
Juniper, lime, & orange,
the best & only vitamins,
yummy bathtub snacks!
High fat, high protein,
high sugar/carb,
breakfast plate,
Dates, raisins, almonds, peanuts,
orange, banana.
Very sweet, chewy, fatty,
Unsalted nuts always!
VERY filling ♡
I am stuffed!
Raw/whole plant foods keep people lean &
naturally shielded from
environmental impurities
by strengthening our
immune systems which ward
off such health threats,
so no facemask is necessary.
Fruits & nuts make a perfect
1. High sugar/fiber/carb
2. High fat
3. High protein
Unfortunately yummy & healthy sugar & fat,
& even protein,
have acquired a negative reputation
due to confusion with & comparisons to
animal products & processed foods.
All natural & plant based,
that is the healthy difference.
Everyone of all ages should be eating high amounts of these macronutrients,
never limiting them,
especially during illness,
macronutrients help cure ailments.
Enjoy your healthy fat & sugar!
I love cashews!
Avoid weight gain,
skin aging, bloating &
illness by eating unsalted nuts.
Zero/0mg processed sodium.
No cholesterol.♡
All natural & whole ingredients,
no added oils or table salts or processed sweeteners or preservatives:
1 ingredient
Choose unroasted nuts if available.
Unsalted is most important,
otherwise you consume hundreds of milligrams of processed sodium,
rather than zero!
That is a huge difference,
and negative
effect on people's health.
At the end of each day most people,
excluding hunger stricken communities,
have consumed
thousands and thousands
of milligrams of processed sodium/table salts,
children included.
Countries all over the world have high processed sodium diets.
All prepared animal products,
store bought dairy,
cured meats,
egg based foods, etc.
contain extremely high amounts of table salt.
Processed foods and drinks,
chips/crackers/breads, etc.,
are very high in table salt as well.
Unless you buy unsalted chips
rather than salted chips, for example.
Choose unsalted products as much as possible.
People of all ages consume sickly diets,
newborns to elderly.
Foraging nuts is also super fun!
I love pecan season.
♡ :)
Organic black plums!
So delicious,
I have not had plums in a long time.
One of my favorite fruits!
Banana cashew!
& more
High fat & creamy smoochie!
(I wear a cross pendant simply because it was a gift,
I do not follow any religion.
The cross symbol appeared long before Christianity & was said to be used by
Pagans lol,
so there ya go!
My last name is literally Pagan,
no relation lol.
The cross is basically a symbol of worship and I worship nature!)
I can eat this all day.♡
These were fun to make I am eager to keep experimenting!
Peanut butter banana
(100% cacao, unsalted peanuts, banana)
Orange coconut
(100% cacao, orange, coconut)
no added oils, salts, or added sugars.
One of the most delicious things I have ever tasted.
•Ginger root
Creamy, tangy, & sweet!
Bananas & peach are high sugar/carbs.
Almonds are high fat & protein.
Ginger for extra vitamins, minerals, & flavor.
All whole foods, natural, plant based,
all healthy!
Sugar & fat
makes a perfect combination,
New Arm Workout Video
Handstand & pushups!
why is cigarette smoking still legal?
Considering the tremendous harm & loss of life it inflicts upon society?
Thousands of people who do not smoke cigarettes, or cigars, die every year from being forced to breathe
2nd-hand smoke.
When is the government going to do it's part to protect public health, stop & prevent tobacco product related disease & death,
& ban the manufacturing, sale, & use of tobacco products?
Every day, all day, I have to inhale deadly cigarette smoke from my neighbors, and other people everywhere I go.
This is unjust, & highly neglectful of politicians to ignore this issue.
Please take immediate action to improve our health & environment, treat tobacco products as they should be treated, highly dangerous & illegal substances.
Facemasks do not protect me from inhaling toxic cigarette smoke.
Thank you for your time & I hope to be able to breathe healthier air soon."
I just emailed this anti-cigarette letter to the
white house,
feel free to copy & paste & send also if you want the government to know you are tired of breathing people's deadly cigarette smoke.
They doodle around with a few e-cigarette bans,
continuing to ignore the "Big Tobacco" problem that is killing millions, billions of people.
Cigarettes & cigars,
& 2nd-hand smoke they produce.
I am far more threatened by inhaling 2nd-hand cigarette smoke incessantly,
than I am by a virus.
I used to be a cigarette smoker also.
Super yummy
super powerful!
If you have any ailments drink lots of this!
As well as eliminating the cause of the ailments,
such as the top causes:
animal products/cigarettes/cigars,
Blend watermelon & fresh squeezed lemon, plus water, strain, GULP!
You can drink tons of this all day, every day,
& remain as healthy & lean as ever!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana!
1. Bananas
2. 100% pure cacao
3. Unsalted peanuts
4. Water
Omgosh I could drink gallons & gallons.
& that would be fine
because it is
Mmmmmmm :)-
way to obtain the taboo "B12".
Especially fresh picked,
eat right from the soil,
where B12 is known to be present.
I just plucked these sweeties out of the soil!
I eat them immediately or leave them out to air dry & eat them later!
Mushrooms grow everywhere!
Look for woody or grassy areas.
Puppies sleeping Zzzzzz.
Thank you for not frightening our sweet animals buds,
or wild animals
or people,
with loud, scary, spooky,
heart attack, headache inducing
The Earth thanks you also,
for not causing
toxic firework pollution.
Grapes are a wonderful staple food,
no mess/easily portable,
(Take some grapes with you everywhere!)
(Great hiking food to "drink".)
high sugar/sweet/satisfying,
Red, green, black, yellow,
they are all delicious.
Gorgeous day yesterday.♡
I got me some new cell phone wallpapers!
Feel free to download!♡
Beautiful little bouquets of pink flowers everywhere.
Plant Based News
More miseducation
coming from a doctor,
oh no!
A major plant-based publication
that many people read.
Not good,
huge myth some people will believe to be true & start consuming unhealthy supplements.
I never buy any magazines,
but many people do,
& this is read for free online,
what a mess!
I believe people mean well.
Although there is confusion about the truth.
More articles telling people artificial pills &
powders and shots are required,
if people want to switch
to a plant based diet?
That is not true.
Humans lived on Earth long before supplements were invented to sell.
:) ♡
The medical industry is of course a great industry that saves lives,
however keep in mind the medical industry is obsessed with
Most medical personnel commonly
prescribe & encourage
recommend surgeries,
and tell people they need to take
supplements to be healthy,
this is the culture in the medical industry.
The standard plan of action is to get people on pharmaceuticals/supplements and perform surgeries.
Doctors and nurses are trained to use pharmaceuticals, surgery, &
treatments everywhere they can,
including diet/lifestyle related illness,
which can be quickly, naturally/safely healed with
fresh nutrients from plant foods,
outdoor air,
direct sunshine,
Vitamin D & B12 "supplements"
are not necessary.
1. This sun is perfectly adequate for
giving us vitamin D.
(You can't get vitamin D from the sun
Since when...lol?
Sounds totally bogus,
no hard feelings.♡)
People are trying to scare you into buying supplements,
keep that in mind.
2. Be sure to eat lots of fresh picked foods
to obtain natural B12.
People can find fresh picked foods anywhere all they have to do is go outside and look.
Or start a garden.
Also I would bet some traces of B12 are left on store bought foods,
especially underground growing foods
like potatoes and peanuts.
Farmers markets sell fresh picked foods also with plenty of B12.
Nature has created/planned & provided everything people need to be healthy.
Pills, powders, & shots
have no place in a healthy life.
In case anyone is wondering.
The Texas situation is
"counties with 20 cases or more",
technically not everywhere.
No exempt counties were listed however,
maybe they are still compiling a list?
also puts
others at risk.
Thank you ♡
if heaven had a flavor!
Sprouting, yesss!♡
Please stay alive lol!
I am really babying these.
1st time planting quinoa.
So exciting! :)-
Peppers & tomatoes are very easy to grow,
all these seeds going in soil today!
Putting leftover pulp in some guacamole,
Peppers are known to be especially high
in vitamin C,
& teeny tomatoes are awesome,
they make a delicious snack,
I just munch on them plain or
they go great with any meal,
I am a terrible wannabe
comedian sorry.
Unhealthy "supplements",
miserable & unhealthy low-fat diets,
& unhealthy shots ("vaccines").
Oh my!!!
I squeezed out a bunch of seeds & ate the leftover pulp,
4 different types of tomatoes to grow!
A YUMMY plate!
Strawberries, avocado, tomatoes.
Posing in front of a pomegranate tree.
Very easy tree to grow!
Plants seeds from whole pomegranate fruits sold in a store or anywhere.
Delicious drink/snack,
non-fattening, more eco-friendly,
win/win/all win!
Banana, strawberries, 100% cacao,
& water.
No table sugar or processed sweeteners.
No dairy products.
No highly processed & unnatural powders.
No weight gain or
aches and pains.♡
No guilt!♡
Wearing my cousin's shirt.
She gave me some clothes she no longer wanted this shirt is comfy 100% cotton!
No need to pre-make plant "milk"
simply use whole raw nuts &
blending automatically creates it.
Easy life!♡
Nuts supply high levels of healthy fats
& proteins &
give drinks a rich & creamy,
delicious texture,
I do not believe soaking nuts is necessary,
I never do,
no patience for it LOL &
I think it degrades the nuts.
Nutrients leaking out into the water.
Good technique if you want a
fortified & flavored water
but unnecessary for a creamy
& supremely nutritious drink!
Fast & easy is also the healthiest way,
great coincidence!
Prepared ♡
Gulping the leftover juice!
When the photo is done & you can finally
Perfect treat for yourself from me to me.
Mmmm delicious!
Mexican chocolate is chocolate with cinnamon mmmm!
Great sweet treat.
100% non-fattening!
Basically the picture below in smoothie form.
Mmmmm! ☆
3 natural ingredients,
100% non-fattening. :)
Totally rad. ♡
Be sure to get 100% cacao,
no fattening/unhealthy/sickening
table sugars added,
"Fair Trade" as much as possible. ♡
Eating coconut right before bed burns mega body fat.
& sooo yummy too!!
I mixed 100% cacao with it.
How can eating right before bed help people lose weight?
Coconut is a major fat burner.
Even though coconut is a very high-fat food even high saturated fat,
it is still non-fattening.
Plant based saturated fats & all plant fats are very healthy in their natural form.
If coconut is your last meal it will work through the night,
leaning up the body,
& you wake up fabulous.
Hello June.☆
I grew this papaya tree from seed my baby.
It is exploding!
The blooms smell so great.
Who wants some Texas papaya?!
I share.
Are plants not just absolutely fascinating,
look at these things,
& you can eat it,
I love them.
Clippings from mother's garden to plant in pots,
Super powerful fresh nutrients!
& so, tasty.
I just pick & eat by itself or
sprinkle onto anything.
Unsalted peanuts are a great low-cost staple food.
Packed with healthy proteins, fats, & other nutrients.
Unshelled nuts are healthier,
less processed.
I will buy shelled peanuts also
if that is the only option,
unsalted is most important!
I enjoy cracking shells,
One of my top favorites, ♡
Super hydrating. :)
Plant the seeds!
I did some cutting. :)-
Vitamin C ATTACK!
(This platter is heavy lol!)
(And delicious!!!!!!)
1 whole pineapple,
a bunch of oranges,
& limes.
Coexist peacefully.♡
Perfect for hot weather,
fresh orange juice! ♡
Lay it on the skin thick,
apply before exposure to bugs.
Lemon will sting any preexisting bites,
however it will prevent more,
& also help to heal the old bites.
It really works!
No bugs biting!
Reapply as it absorbs into the skin to strengthen the "shield".
Be sure to literally cover every
inch of your skin,
face included,
insects may bite any uncovered areas.
Strain the juice first to remove pulp if you do not want lemon pulp all over your body lol.
No toxic & dangerous chemicals,
eco-friendly, healthy,
non-lethal to animals,
non-lethal to humans,
non-lethal to plants,
& actually nutritious!
Biting insect repellent is a must for lovers of the great outdoors lol.
Also a great skin conditioner!♡
Yesterday I found this gorgeous succulent
(Tastes like juicy grapes!)
& some aloe vera growing in the woods right next to eachother!
I just took some clippings,
not the whole thing, they are
still growing in the woods♡ &
I could go back for more later!
Woohoo! Free organic plants!
I love searching around & finding clippings to grow,
surprises everywhere &
new plants I have never seen,
it is so much fun!
This is pulp leftover from coconut/banana/cacao milk,
it makes a super delicious cold treat on a hot day!
Coconut sorbet,
& 100% non-fattening!
Breakfast goodness.
Healthy & delicious
flavored water
is very easy to make,
mmmm yummy drinks!
Cracking coconuts! ♡
Juice & coconut to eat!
So good.♡
Very important to eat fruits in the morning!
Start the day right.
Nurture your body & brain,
get metabolism moving
& immunity strengthening.
Energize early!
Mmmmmm ;)-
One of the best weight loss methods is eating raw greens right before bed!
Avocados are not fattening,
no worries!
Avoid falling ill by strengthening your natural immunity.♡
Rather than destroying it with
unhealthy diet & habits.
Nature works!
Banana ~ lemon ~ ginger
Powerful fruits & herbs!☆
Natural foods for natural immunity.
Mmmm juice!!
Watermelon y mandarin.
I'm going to experiment with just soaking rice to make it soft & chewable.
Never tried this before!
Testing this sample to see how long it takes to get soft.
No...lol, it doesn't work!
The rice does not become soft.
Natural, healthy immunity,
stay pharma & disease-free.♡
Mmmm, dinner!
Cumin seed & kale.♡
Blackberries & oats also MM!
Hot cayenne guacamole
Very strengthening!
Got these gems & a healthy dose of immunizing insect venom,
;)- tiny critters stinging me,
from the woods yesterday freshly rinsed so juicy & sweet.♡
They really get the heart pumping very powerful!
Planting these today from mother's pantry lol.
Will a split pea grow?
Will found out soon!
These can be eaten raw off the plant while they are still full of water & chewable.
Last night!♡
Some fresh picked yumminess!
Blackberries y garlic leaves.♡
Consume less city & bottled water by eating these healthier & delicious juicies! ;)-
Juicy fruits are the best way to hydrate.
Watermelon is nearly 100% water!
Vanilla banana, omgosh.
The more ripe the bananas are the sweeter the taste, greenish unripe bananas give an unpleasant flavor.
Probably make another after I drink this,
;)- so good!
I love light, watery lettuce
like iceberg or romaine
with sweet fruits,
so hydrating.
Animal products do not contain any fiber.
For proper digestion,
it is very important that everything
you eat contains
dietary fiber.
Fiber helps the digestive system stay
clean, & healthy, & is only
present in plant foods.
A green onion pot! ♡
These are store bought organic,
they usually come with roots intact.
Plant some goodies in a pot or in the ground,
fresh picked plant foods are
known to be a source of
B12 and they supply very potent nutrients to the body.
Green onions are very easy to grow in pots.
They do not take up much room,
they grow straight up.
I am using this pot to sprout some heirloom tomato seeds also,
you just pick them out and replant them as they start to grow.
Yaye! ;)- ♡
Ginger lime!
Yummy healing potion. :)-
Keep lots of chewy & sweet candies around like dates & raisins to keep from eating so many processed sweets made with processed sweeteners, table sugars, additives, & preservatives
which cause weight gain & illness.
Natural sugar is nonfattening & healthy!
You could eat a truck load of this every day & still lose weight!
Whole plant foods do not create excess weight, so it is literally impossible to become overweight eating them even in large amounts.
That goes for nuts also,
nuts are a plant based food therefore nuts are not fattening even in large amounts.
on everything you eat!
This is cumin seed one of my favorite herbs!
Con pineapple y banana I am totally pigging out on this, it is delicious!
Herbs stimulate heart rate & keep the blood pumping & detoxing more, all day!
Eating herbs is like exercising.
Blood orange ♡
Sooo good!!!
Regarding recreation, the closing of parks is inhibiting healing.
People need to be outdoors, breathing fresh air, and moving as much as possible.
The most effective anti-disease strategy is for all parks to remain open, and park hours to be extended, to help people cure and prevent illness, to stay healthy.
I hope the public will be able to escape from their stressful and unhealthy urban environments, and enjoy their freedom to relax and detox in the parks, once again immediately.
Thank you for your time and best regards always."
My email to the
No parks?
:( :( :(
I forgot to mention the importance and antimicrobial effectiveness of direct sunshine.
I found "Old Man Of The Woods"
yesterday! ♡
These mushrooms are awesome!
So neato looking,
& edible if you are hungry.
Pineapple ♡
Mmm I can smell the sweet sugar without even opening, she's gonna be a good one!
A great way to keep the abs tight,
immunity strong,
cure minor or major diseases,
all that great stuff,
is to eat a "fruitarian" style diet.
This means lots of fruits every day.
Make fruits the new chips & crackers of your diet,
eat fruits for, or with, every meal.
Go heavy on the fruit!
Beautiful fluffy green sweet fruits!
Kiwi y honeydew♡
Very juicy & hydrating,
natural antidepressants,
hydration & natural sugar
are very calming.
About to cut these yummies up,
I cannot wait to eat!
Been craving honeydew!
Honeydew & kiwi sounds
Some rose y jasmine agua this morning.
Fragrant flowers get the heart pumping,
like exercise,
very powerful natural medicines
& quite effective!
Mandarin ~ mango ~ banana!
Fruitaholic ♡
Gramma had an accidental fall & broke 2 ribs :(
day 3 in hospital she sounds good
& getting better.
I told her eat lots of greens, salad with every meal calcium will help heal bones,
avoid animal products they make bones brittle
lots of different fruits all day.
I am not there in Houston to gramma-sit
her though!
My tough grandmother will be okay.
Eat lots of lemon ♡ & use it to
clean hands & surfaces,
very powerful, non-toxic,
immunity boosting,
yummy, edible,
natural cleanser!
Squeeze it into water &
on top of everything you eat,
rub it into your hands,
24/7 action!
Lemon everywhere fresh & clean & smells delightful.♡ :)
Easy way to drink coconut juice!
Fresh coconut juice is very powerful natural medicine highly antimicrobial!
And delicious!
Mushroomy hike tonight.♡
Some yummy sweet
calming & tummy filling
fiber &
mandarin juice!☆
I look like a horse & I eat like a horse.
♡ ;)-
Fast & so easy &
so delicious &
High fat/ high protein.☆
& bananas bring the healthy whole sugar sweetness.♡
Sweet snack,
mangos are, JUST!
So yummy.♡
Citric acid power.☆
Natural medicine works better than
a pill or shot,
in prevention & healing
of disease, &
no negative side effects result.
Avoid unhealthy pills & shots,
by simply eating a
whole food plant based diet.
"Please focus on terminating the three biggest threats taking people's lives:
1. Animal agriculture
2. Big Tobacco
3. Alcoholic beverages
The majority of people are not in good health, suffering greatly, & dying, because of these three industries.
A countless number of benefits would result in enforcing these much needed anti-disease laws.
Thank you for your time & best regards always."
My email to the White House,
A misunderstanding is happening.
Not anyone is really
if they:
1. Eat animals products
2. Drink alcohol
3. Smoke cigarettes
Especially people who do two or all of the above.
Bodies undergoing this extreme abuse of harmful pathogens & toxins are highly vulnerable to issues at any age.
Avoid all 3 for optimal health,
& the ability to prevent illness.
Kiwi y guava!
Try all the fruits!
Soohoo goood!
I do not recommend swallowing the hard little guava seeds, it creates a tight & uncomfortable feeling in the chest!
One of my favorite quick snacks.♡
Cumin seed, onion &
Just eat with a spoon.
High fat & healthy &
very filling!
Are LOADED with healthy whole sugar,
lots of sugar carbs in every bite,
so they make a very filling &
satisfying treat!
Great for keeping in your vehicle or work place to snack on,
& 100% non-fattening.
Natural whole sugar also helps cure diabetes!
And like all nutritious plant foods,
dates stimulate the immune system,
& every other system,
helping to prevent & cure infections.
Eat whole plant foods all day to protect your health!
More fruuuuuits.♡
Not any 1 person is to blame,
please avoid mob mentality.
People should refrain from directing mobs
to terrorize specific individuals
which helps nothing,
the most critical information is how
people can strengthen their health to
fight & survive.
Diet & lifestyle choices are vital for
strong health & overcoming these threats.
1. No alcoholic beverages
2. No cigarettes
3. No meats, eggs, or dairy
Eat whole-food plant based meals.
Be outside & open windows as
much as possible,
breathing fresh air is much healthier
than breathing ac-treated air,
airborne pathogens also become trapped indoors whereas outdoors they float away,
away from people's faces,
trapped microbes also settle on surfaces people touch indoors.
Outdoors is far cleaner,
& safer.
Or at least opening windows so microbes can escape out the window, sunshine & fresh breezes also kill airborne & surface germs,
& the air can refresh.
Move your body all day every day &
also schedule time throughout the day to relax.
These immunity strengthening habits cure & prevent infections.
This tastes WOW!♡
Blueberry~banana~ginger ☆
Elevates heart rate/cleansing/fat burning,
super powerful!
Huge plate of mango, cantaloupe, & mandarins.
Beautiful orange hues.☆
Outdoor jobs may seem rough but being outside most of the day & breathing fresh air rather than air conditioner treated air &
microbes trapped indoors
is much better for the immune system.♡
The weather was gorgeous yesterday,
nice, pretty & peaceful hike!
Starting the day with fruits!
Ginger & turmeric!
Super powerful, KO!
Sweet bf chopped it up.♡
Make it sweet & tangy with lemon juice!
Lemon sugar.
Good ol' hearty lettuce & tomato.
With avie & onionie.
Love these 2!
Red onions are so pretty.
What percentage of your family members drink alcohol and/or smoke cigarettes,
and/or eat animal products?
Or all of the above?
Interesting & sad calculation.
:( ♡
Stay germ & toxin free for your own health & everyone's
take care!
1 of the best ways to keep pathogens off the hands & from entering the body is
eating a plant based diet,
& not making direct contact with
decaying corpses or directly touching sour mammal milk,
both saturated with germs,
all day every day.
Eating plant based helps to keep you & your environment clean & sanitary.☆
Party-free is the best way to be.
No more Dems or Repubs.
One of my favorite late night snacks fruits, herbs, and oats.
Banana ~ nutmeg ~ cinnamon
Sometimes I just eat a huge bowl of this for dinner,
add nuts & seeds for more healthy whole plant fats & proteins,
the more fat & protein consumed the better,
given it is from whole plant foods
& not from an animal.
Omnivorous diets cause deadly atherosclerosis, cancers, & much more.
Almonds, walnuts, pecans, sunflower seeds,
poppy & sesame seeds,
cashews, peanuts, beans, peas, coconut, avocados,
etc. are healthy fats.
Been going heavy on lemon,
strong antimicrobial properties!
Nothing is getting inside my body, my body is where a virus goes to die, not thrive.
Or whatever viruses do, the
point is, they can be stopped,
or encouraged, by
diet, drink, & lifestyle habits.
Squeeze lemon in everything you drink hopefully mostly just water. :)- ♡
And squeeze it on everything you eat!
Also helps increase heart rate,
which burns excess pounds,
& heals illness,
just from drinking!
Can being lean & healthy get much easier?
I ♡ picking fresh bouquets ♡
Purple lantana smells so fluffy good & yummy just want to eat it!
Similar to "purple moss verbena" but notice the different leaves.
Moss verbena has mossy/feathery looking leaves not tear drop shaped leaves like lantana.
Both growing in Tejas.♡
Rose oil therapy,♡
petals in the tub!
Love the roses!
Jasmine & sweet beet ♡
I love how some things float & some things sink.
Raw teas are fun & beautiful!
Very powerful antiviral medicine.
I am going to start eating more flowers they are super nutritious!
Flowers really get the blood pumping.♡
No boiling, simply let any kind of raw plant goodies float in a glass of water & make a big pitcher to sip on all day.
Boiling is not necessary for the water to become flavorful & nutritious. :)
Non alcoholic & very healing!♡
Coronavirus is not the actual threat.
•Animal agriculture•
Not just the wildlife trade specifically.
Those 3 things are the real killers.
Those 3 things are why people are in hospitals.
Those 3 things are responsible & coronavirus is absorbing all the blame.
Focus should be on changing from an unhealthy diet & lifestyle to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
I have food & meal examples all over this website please read and have a look!
Repairing & fortifying immunity
is the only thing that is going to save the lives of the vulnerable and help people to prosper.♡
Population Density
~3,700,000 square miles•
Nearly same size as China.
Almost 400 million people
Russia: (solitude)
~6,600,000 square miles●
Huge land mass & very few inhabitants.
Only 147 million people!
China: (ultra packed sardines)
~3,700,000 square miles•
Nearly same size as America.
Almost 1.5 billion people!
Avoid toxic chemical based fragrances that damage cells & weaken immunity.
Fragrant flowers are the best air freshener they are also antiviral vasodilators,
increase heart rate & help to fight infections!
Fragrant flowers are also bronchodilators,
they heal respiratory illness &
aid breathing.
Aromatherapy is has strong physical benefits.
These smell wonderful,
you walk into the room & it's like
Fills the whole room with delight.
Literally can feel your heart beginning to beat faster, that is good,
inhaling floral fragrance is like exercising.
Lose weight by sniffing flowers all day,
no joke!
Fill your vehicle & every room with strongly fragrant flowers,
improves health, &
kills viral infections.
I will post the name of the plant soon.
Native to eastern Asia.♡
Clouds are finally clearing for a lovely evening!
Getting ready for a fully sunny day mañana!
After like a week of grey & rain I am dying & withering!
Fruits & almonds♡
ya'll come eat!
Kill that coronavirus!
My brave & beautiful cousin Brandon
visited Italy♡ while in the navy
many years ago,
he said Olive Garden should throw
cigarette filters on the floor to make it more authentic.
Is anyone going after Big Tobacco during all of this?
Since they are one of the primary causes of low immunity and viral infections?
I am pointing all fingers at
Animal agriculture
Big Tobacco
Alcoholic Beverages
The deadly triad responsible for all pandemics.
There is a lot the general public can do,
without help from the government,
simply stop buying it.
Take care of your precious health,
protect the health of others &
keep the world clean & beautiful.
Open window,
antiviral fresh air,
antiviral fruit smoochie,
getting ready for an
antiviral workout,
keeping my body clean,
& immunity strong,
free hugs!!!
I made a coronavirus-killing
Everyone come eat!
You will feel bad to the bone after eating this,
in a good way.♡
pear, apples, raisins, orange!
Fruit nutrients literally cure viral infections,
pills & shots do not cure,
they only suppress symptoms,
disguised as healthy cures but actually cause health problems.
Healthy diet is the #1 defense. ☆
Boyfriend got all these beautiful delicious precious edible gems!
All can be replanted from the seeds or the root or leaf stumps.♡
The nutrients in plants strengthen the immune system, enabling the body to combat viruses.
All plant foods quickly cure and prevent viral infections, eat!
Breakfast this morning
Everyone can help prevent the spread of viruses by eating an antiviral diet,
whole plant foods create a clean environment inside the body that viruses cannot live in.
Alcohol, animal products, & cigarettes also greatly contribute to pandemic outbreaks,
by weakening people's immune systems.
Clean eating & lifestyle are critical,
take care! ♡
Turn off the air conditioner & open windows & doors, this is a virus deterrent.
Fresh oxygen, fresh breezes, & disinfecting direct sunshine keeps the air we breathe into our bodies pure from viruses & the rooms more sterilized.
Also helps remove any minor or advanced infections already present.
Antiviral plant foods & antiviral drinks, non-alcoholic & no processed sweeteners, like water & fresh coconut juice are also vital to eliminating viruses.
Processed sweeteners, alcohol, and animal products weaken immunity & contribute to infection.
Inhale lots of fresh air, exercise, & put clean/antiviral goodness into the body.
Everyone eating their antiviral medicine?
Gas station fruits! ;)-
Better than no fruit y'all.
Yummy drinks! ♡
Antiviral, cures infections!
Watermelon juice,
coconut juice,
blood orange juice,
the #1 way to hydrate.
Boyfriend said these are nightingales,
unusual evening & nighttime chirping,
most other birds are vocal in the morning and during the day,
love the way they sing amazing versatility!
Hear them every evening.
The males serenading the females.
A continuous stream of many different types of beautiful sounds so wonderful to listen to literally magical.☆
Pleasant dreams, or
pleasant day.♡
One of the best/healthiest drinks in the world!
Dates & cashews & pure 100% cacao.
Favorite photo of the day.♡
Clove & fresh picked mint eau!
No boiling necessary,
just put it in the glass.
The oils seep out into the water for delicious flavor!
Today is a scrumptious day!♡
Movies revolving around guns & shooting at people are
Most annoying sound in the world,
guns shooting, headache.
Doing society any good?
Directors, producers, etc.: Please
Help improve the world stop promoting guns as "cool",
guns are a plague, they are not cool at all, & guns are not game toys, that is not reality guns kill, serious situation not a game.
Just throw a bunch of yummy things into a bowl!
This is coming with me to the bathtub lol.
Banana strawberry ginger cacao!
Feast mode :)-
100% plant based/no cholesterol,
no dairy/no egg/no meat,
blood vessel friendly salad.♡
I was craving some watery, hydrating cucumber! ♡
I love cucumber,
it's highly cleansing & refreshing energy, light, crisp, wonderful flavor.
With black pepper & garlic powder,
almond butter & sunflower seed wraps.
Seriously good!
People think being "married",
getting government and courts involved in your love life,
is a display of accomplishment & success,
Living in a cage under extreme oppression chained to 1 person forever &
terrified of being attracted to anyone else.
Sounds awesome!
Marriage is a fabulous concept that is why the divorce rate is zero right?
People can have lots of love in their life without being married.
Never feel down on yourself because you are not legally bound to someone lol.
You should feel relieved actually!
Freedom ☆
Getting used to a yummy smoothie in the morning rather than coffee lol,
me likey! ♡
Cinnamon banana cacao,
coffee-ish flavors fool my brain.
I eat literally right before bed all the time lol, I do not believe in the no eating before bed thing lol.
If I am hungry I eat no matter what time it is.
I also do not believe in fasting during the day I think the natural fasting people do while they sleep is enough.
Of course everyone is free to do as they wish!
If I don't eat & stay full I get very irritable & mean and that is not good for the world lolol.
Going to bed with an empty stomach also prevents a good night's sleep for me personally.
I have a hard time falling asleep if I am hungry.
Healthy food in the belly helps me get a nice deep sleep.♡
consuming unhealthy/fattening food
or drinks right before bed &
not working it off..
that is the worst,
and probably the best way to
GAIN weight & get sick.
The type of food and drinks people
consume right before bed
makes all the difference,
night and day,
fattening or non-fattening.
In other words you do not want to eat pizza or cake right before bed, you will wake up like 10 pounds heavier lol.
What I am eating here is completely non-fattening it will actually help burn off body fat as I sleep, complete opposite effect.
Anything that is fattening, is UNhealthy.
This would include all animal products and processed foods and drinks.
Even "plant based" processed foods and drinks are fattening,
which means they are also unhealthy,
surprise surprise!
What exactly are processed foods and drinks?
Anything you do not find growing in nature,
& contains ingredients that are not whole, like table salt, table sugar, oils, additives, or preservatives.
You want to put as little of those things into your body as possible.
Breads, any baked foods, pastas, chips, crackers, even tofu, and basically any drink that comes in a can or a bottle other than water.
Consuming these things once every blue moon or so does not cause obesity, just make sure they are not a staple in your diet,
if you want to be lean and healthy,
& feel good! ♡
Simple & quick stick-to-the ribs snack that is mucho delicious,
raw almond butter & sunflower seed wraps,
I ate 3 of these, oink-oink.
Goodbye 41st birthday.
Came & gone.
Moving right along!
My brother said he had to buy a smaller belt because his belly is shrinking,
so proud of him for his efforts!
Having a drill sergeant sister barking at him every day about exercising & what to eat may have helped a little.
Tough love mon.
He has been exercising on his own lately however, without me nagging him!
I think because he likes how good he feels after he exercises.♡
& exercising is becoming more fun & easier the more body fat he sheds.♡
He lost about 100 pounds then gained some back so this time we're focusing on total habit change permanently to keep it off.
Great job mon frère!
All I wanted to do was just sit & watch my daddy say goodnight.
I ♡ beautiful hydrangeas,
thank you momma!
Flowers are a happy place,
flowers are one of my most favorite things in the world, symbols of peace, beauty, & joy.
And they are so enchanting I could stare at flowers all day literally.
Going to plant them & see if they will grow!
I ♡ this color.
Mi dulce hermanito.♡
I am so blessed to have such an awesome little brother he is nothing but good to me.
March 1st, 2020
Wraps for dinner,
never gets boring
always hits the spot.
My new skin routine,
messaging my face with aloe.
Helping to heal my face from my
self-mutilation nervous habit of
scratching at my face all the time.
The aloe is working! ♡
Some day soon I will get myself to
a dentist & have my bonding work fixed.
I am gonna be perty lol.
The best treatment for mental health is raw plant foods.
Raw fruits and vegetables heal & protect the brain.
Mmmm salad! ♡
Spicy :)
Cumin powder, black pepper, cayenne.
Carrots & romaine.
I forgot onion and garlic,
I added those after I took the photo, oops!
Love fruits but get lots of veggies too!
Nothing like a huge salad to make you feel awesome!
Jumbo wraps ♡ I ate 2,
oink ♡
So goood!!!
New video:
My new contact number:
For anyone who needs to talk!
Deep cut cleaning a knife in a hurry ouch!
Bleeding everywhere!
Amazing white squirrel my mother was blessed to see today wow!
Wish I had been there,
so jealous!
Gorgeous creature!
Pure figies & unsalted, raw pistachios mmmm ♡
2 ingredients no preservatives or table salt or table sugar nonfattening! :)
Tasty stuff!
I wish humanity could go back to living without this evil stuff!
Armed police or other armed civilian I am equally afraid of both!
Please disarm ♡♡♡
I am so happy I do not have to stress about hiding my life, & being accused of "adultery" & "cheating" & scrutiny & labeled a "cheater" as if people having "affairs" on their "spouses" equates with an accountant stealing from their clients or something that is actually unethical lol.
I feel sorry for people constrained by fear of public judgment, who cares what people think,
if you are not harming anyone. :)
Nobody's words can actually hurt you.
And often people's words are not the same as what they actually believe inside.
I am an adult & I could not care any less about who kisses who or anyone's "extramarital" carrying on,
none of my business
& an insignificant subject lol,
have fun.
I am free to do as I please, I love it! :)
All pure☆no table salt, no table sugar,
or added oils.
Helps burn fat, nonfattening ♡
Sharks ♡♡♡
Are huge, cute
little fishies. :)
That is a funny thought,
sharks seem much more mammalian.
But sharks are egg laying animals.♡
The blue whale (mammal) has
hot momma lol!
Whale milk smoothie anyone?
Well why not lol?
I saw an adorable opossum on mother's porch last night ♡♡♡ it is a buffet out there,
all the stuff I have laying around.
Squirrelies and birdies show up also.
One feisty little bird welcomes itself into the living room sometimes lol,
I leave the door wide open all day.
Awwww more animal friends!
Sooo GOOD! ♡
Strawberry raisin vanilla banana
One of the most tragic and ironic situations in humanity right now is the myth that men need to eat meat to be strong the reality is meat makes men weak with disease,
including erectile dysfunction.
Which is completely curable, without pharmaceuticals, by adapting cleansing & strengthening habits.
Thank you! ♡
How much is a bodyguard I wonder,
mother gives me so much tremendous grief when I venture out & travel alone,
I dread having to listen to her constantly telling me I am going to die because I am by myself,
maybe need bodyguard to keep mother off my back.
I really enjoy peaceful & fun solitude though!
There is a unique natural high in solo adventures.
Very strengthening.
Being deep into secluded wilderness without anyone around but animals is highly spiritual & healing one of my favorite things.
100% false advertising.
"Terra" Power?
Terra means Earth/land.
The audacity is astounding.
Nuclear power is literally flooding our whole environment with deadly radiation.
What exactly is "clean" or Earth-y
about turning the planet into an uninhabitable
giant ball of radioactive waste?
Radioactive nuclear waste is even worse
than fossil fuel emissions.
This is what lawsuits were designed for.
Suing deceitful & destructive companies that have money to donate to good causes. ;)
I should become a prosecutor.
Or not.
I only want the nightmarish nuclear culture
to end,
I am not fighting for money.
I could just escape & disappear into the heart of whatever is left of the Amazon
never to be seen again,
peace out & good luck all.
Omgosh and it gets worse.
People are believing these untruths.
No personal offence to anyone but there is just a bad moon a-risin' here.
Men who are afraid of a woman's
natural body hair, lol.
Aww, poor little boy, are you frightened,
do you want me to call your mommy
& have her come pick you up
& change your diaper...♡
It will be okay. :)
No offense ♡, it is just a different state of mind, brainwashing,
I used to think it was unattractive also,
but I never actually told anyone that.
Unshaven is not a serious medical condition
that harms anyone, like obesity,
where you feel like you need
to speak out, & try to warn & help people
who are greatly suffering because of our sickening food & drink industry & mass public unawareness.
Unshaven is essentially harmless,
to the person, and other people.
In those types of situations, where no one is being hurt, I feel like I should keep my opinions to myself,
and let people do what they want.
It is not only me, I am seeing other women being bullied by insecure "men" about not wanting to shave.
My preferred type of man,
only cares about 1 thing lol.
He is just a primal beast,
& beasts are not afraid of body hair.
Nothing else matters, they are cool with it.
Truly masculine men are not turned off by a female's body hair, just the opposite lol!
This guy literally began circling around me like a wolf while I was at a grocery store one day,
I was wearing shorts or a skirt.
Huge smile on his face, stroking his chin,
staring at my legs, shocked,
"I see you don't shave, that is awesome"
Well, thank you, sir.
Can I go now, are you finished..lol?
My body hair makes people smile.
Yaye! ;)
I stopped shaving my legs in 2015,
after I had already let my underarms
go razor-free. ♡
I wish I had never started shaving.
I would never go back to painful &
prickly cactus legs & arms,
everything is soft & fuzzy now,
sooo much better!
Also! ;)-
I understand the allure to some ♡
but it is my body lol & it is quite uncomfortable!
Maybe for 5 or 7 thousand I would shave my legs & underarms LOLOL. :)-
"Vote, vote, VOTE!!!"
Well what if I do not want a president at all lol.
Why would I vote for one?
Imagine a more peaceful country sans president.
Woaw, I found a twin!
Hola sista!
She is prettier than me lol.
I am freaky!
I have never had a sister. :(
It seems so trippy to have a sister
when you do not have one lol!
We could like, go shopping for shoes,
or whatever and stuff.
Totally :)-
War :(
220-280 AD
"Three Kingdoms War"
Approximately 40 million deaths
Between 60-100 years
Location: China
Poor China has suffered through so
many horrific wars. :(
"Mongol Conquests"
Around 35+ million deaths
Approximately 162 years
Location: Eurasia
Mongol Empire vs. Eurasian states
Many different wars during this medieval period with death tolls in the millions. :(
"World War 2"
Deadliest war in all of human history.
70+ million deaths
6 years
Combatants: Allied vs. Axis Powers
Allied Powers:
Great Britain, China, Soviet Union,
United States
Axis Powers:
Italy, Germany, Japan
Nearly 1 billion people killed by other people,
not a disease pandemic,
in a span of just 6 years,
that is astounding, a quick mass slaughter
of 70 million people in 6 years.
Other similar wars lasted several decades!
Humanity has more evolving to do if
the deadliest war in human history
involving the United States,
& Italy, Germany, Japan, Great Britain,
Soviet Union, China,
occurred just a few decades ago?
Not in ancient times as one would presume.
Are we becoming more civilized or no?
It is time to promote peace & civility now.
I just read an actual complaint in a
review of a motel,
"Room dresser drawers did not pull
in and out smoothly."
Is this woman serious?
How does she get through an entire day?
Complaining about something so trivial.
I would feel foolish.
Maybe she would prefer to trade places
with someone who sleeps under a highway,
no dresser drawers threatening aggravation.
I can see huffing & puffing to yourself yes,
but actually complaining in a public review
as if sticky drawers make the room unacceptable.
Well, I think life could be worse ma'am.
Modern humans are far too pampered,
many need to be dropped in the middle
of the forest for a few days, left to
survive in the wild nature on their own,
& come back down to Earth lol.
Please protect the lives of innocent animals,
leave animals out of human turmoil.
More humane ways,
to deal with bombs.
"Hello, thank you very much for your time, I am sincerely asking all of government to please help promote a mentally stable society, by encouraging animal compassion.
Please omit the use of animals in the military & help to spare the animals' innocent lives from fatalities or suffering.
I believe all people truly prefer to keep dogs and other animals safe from harm and such bold action would be highly praised.
Sincerely, Best Regards"
My note to Senator Schumer.
Please feel free to speak out for the animals on this matter. :(
Ask for animals to be spared from the military.
One of my favorite snacks great for the sweet tooth healthy sugars, low cost, around $3 for 6 little packets,
nutritious whole plant foods
keep our brains & bodies happy,
they are the true comfort foods.
I see it says "fat-free" on the box.
I did not write that lol.
Yes grapes are low fat & that is fine.
However we need our fat also.
It is very easy to forget there is
someone in the world who would
love to trade places with you
& have all your blessings,
try to remain grateful while ambitious.
Oh Lord these photos, just crush your ♡.
Modern food chemicals,
processed foods and drinks &
fast food restaurants
do not deserve all the blame.
All animal products, dairy especially,
processed grains/pastries/breads
& cooked doughs, are historically
known to cause weight gain.
Painting of
Henry the 8th
Born 1491, died 1547
Hippocrates (460 BC-370 BC) has been said to
reference weight gain.
Weight gain is known to be present
since antiquity.
Whole-food raw plant based is the only diet which keeps people lean naturally.
All due respect sir.
Andrews County Texas
Nuclear waste burial site.
"Waste Control Specialist"
Nuclear waste burial site in
Andrews County, Texas
"The company already stores “low level” waste – contaminated rags, tools and other equipment that have come mostly from the national nuclear research lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico."
"WCS now wants to store used fuel rods from nuclear power plants across the country – a more radioactive form of waste."
"The site also served as a home for waste that was supposed to wind up at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad, New Mexico, until that site was shuttered after a leak contaminated workers there about a year ago."
“Even though it is called an interim storage facility, that storage period is a long time,” says WCS President Rod Baltzer. “We think that’s somewhere between 60 to 100 years.”
“This wasn’t initially something we intended to do when we got out there, but we’ve been out there a long time, and times have changed,” he says."
Mmmm ♡
Ladies! & all, the best way
to keep skin youthful is:
1. No alcoholic beverages
2. No tobacco products
(Both extremely dehydrating.)
3. Raw plant based diet♡
(No animal products)
(No processed foods/drinks)
(No table salt/sweeteners/oils)
(Dehydrating unnatural foods/drinks)
(High fat/protein nuts & fruits♡)
4. 8 hours sleep♡
5. Lots of daily water♡
6. Lots of direct sunshine☆♡
7. No pharmaceuticals
(Stressful to skin)
8. No cleansers, lotions, masks, makeup, etc.(Dehydrating)
*Unless literally so pure & organic you could eat it, no harsh & toxic chemical/alcohol based products.
Much more, these are the top!
New Mexico 2014:
"Officials have yet to pinpoint what caused a barrel of nuclear waste from Los Alamos National Laboratory to leak in one of the plant's half-mile-deep rooms, contaminating 22 workers with low levels of radiation."
Nuclear waste repository
"Waste Isolation Pilot Plant"
in New Mexico.
Maybe if I just ignore everything & vow silence it will all disappear.
I do not want to spend my life in aggravation
there is too much & life is short.
Lol, at least I am not having any children, phew,
seems far too stressful worrying about the world children & grandchildren will try to live in, too much anxiety I am already filled with it.
I honestly have no desire to bring children into this radioactive & warmongering society call me crazy,
I would be much more nervous than I am now.
My lips are sealed, almost have to use reverse psychology on people,
if someone knows what bothers you,
they want to do it,
even if they know it is very bad.
That is why I am careful about protesting meat,
some people will go cut a baby cow's throat open simply in protest of veganism,
"Ha ha, how do you like this?"
some people are insane.
Humans can be very spiteful creatures.
I just want to play in nature not spend my days in irritation.
"Good day,
I kindly ask for intense focus on ending the dangerous nuclear culture in America.
Nuclear energy is clearly destructive, even more so than fossil fuels.
The notion that nuclear power plants are a clean power source is only fantasy, not reality.
Will the DOE please say no to vast contamination of the country, & prevent the nuclear industry from inflicting any further damage to the air, soil, & water quality of the United States .
Please work to protect public health from radiation & threats of meltdowns which are created by the nuclear industry.
This is an emergency & I hope the DOE will prevent America from becoming literally uninhabitable one day, due to the immense damage nuclear power plants are causing.
Decommissioning nationwide to restore & protect the health of the country & help to protect the rest of the world, setting the best & smartest example for other countries is hopefully on the horizon.
Thank you sincerely for your time."
Please feel free to write the DOE also & express your opposition to allowing nuclear power to destroy the United States & the world.
I just read this comment and I had to share it,
1 main issue with nuclear, other than the radiation it contaminates the planet with,
is the need to cool the materials that are heated to an astounding 100 million degrees,
(the core of the sun is said to be a mere 27 million degrees for reference).
Another highly destructive process of nuclear power.
Yet nuclear is tragically being marketed as a new & climate-saving source of energy,
when the reality is
nuclear is worse for climate change,
please read:
"Currently, we have so many nuclear power stations mainly built along coastal region for cooling purposes using sea-water. Our Mother Earth has been drastically changed by such damaging power generating processes. The sea-water is getting warmer and warmer for its use as the cheapest cooling agent and sea creatures are reducing in great numbers because the water is just too boiling for them.
They are swimming deeper so as to be cooler and our fish supply is definitely diminishing and finally wipe out. The warm sea-water is also melting the iceberg at an alarming rate and water level is increasing. When most of the iceberg is finally melted, the only cooling agent for the sea-water is gone and our nuclear power stations can no longer function and humans suffer a suddenly power shortage and eventually power cut.
The worst will follow when our hot Earth will have much higher temperatures around the globe and our agricultural process can no longer yield any food for us and we face immediately food shortage. Humans have pride ourselves as being the most intelligent species on Earth and the world leaders of these major countries that possess nuclear power stations are the cream of the pack. Why can’t they see the simple logic that we are digging ourselves the biggest grave on Earth that may wipe the whole population of humans in a matter of years.
There are many predictions about the end of the world and some veteran cultivators can also see humans suffering great famine and living in darkness during their meditations. Humans being busy with their daily pursuit of wealthy, luxury and fame amy overlook the road we are heading towards. Can someone just put together the pieces of information like a jigsaw puzzle and logically look at the condition of the Earth and the circumstances we have trapped ourselves in, ring the bells of your government in your country and hopefully humans can do a last minute U-turn and not land ourselves in a self-afflicted disaster that is beyond the salvation of God and humans."
People must have the courage to oppose wrongdoing.
No offense to anyone personally, the problem is the "nuclear is safe & clean" mystical spell people are under, it must be broken.
The purple dots are the nuclear plant areas.
America & Europe are already saturated with nuclear plants, icky, I want to move off this continent, from looking at this map, ewe.
I would bet every single nuclear plant is leaking radiation into the environment, if any one of them has a meltdown which is always possible, it is a disaster.
The Middle East, parts of Asia, parts of Russia & South America are going bye-bye also.
Praying Australia stays strong, I know there are current efforts to destroy Australia also, strong anti-nuclear groups in Australia may they overcome &
keep beautiful Australia clean & safe.
And lovely Canada, stay clean & safe.
Beautiful Africa beginning to go also,
must stop now.

Great page here to look at lots of insight.

I am beginning to sun gaze late afternoon early evening time when sun begins to set the rays are not as blinding, you can stare right into the sun & it literally feels so good on the eyes, the forehead, temples, relieves tension & stress,
I ♡ it, trying to get my sun gaze on daily very therapeutic & healing. ☆
Sun gazing warms & heals the entire body also very energizing.
Always look away when your eyes begin to strain never force the stare.
Hoping it will also improve my nearsightedness!
Do not do this,
Men have to supercharge everything.
I fully agree sunlight is healing but this is not a natural way of absorbing sunlight into the eyes,
& that causes issues.
It is easy to forget about the gigantic & fascinating orb of fire, right beside us! ♡
Yaye :) awapuhi juice arrived.♡
From Florida did not have to travel as far.
Please ♡ read about
:( :( :(
Not me,
no way.
I happened to read this word in a random(?) email in the spam folder, & I looked it up, because I really had no idea what exactly it meant,
& I laughed...lol.
Funny ;)-
I try to feel happy♡there is too much going on.
Have to just stick your head in the sand and sing to yourself sometimes. ♡
Euphoria/dysphoria...duh lol.
I am 100% euphoric. ♡ lol :)-
"Good day,
Do nuclear energy proponents believe that nuclear waste can continue to be produced and buried in various places without any consequences?
Nuclear power is clearly not a "clean" power source as many attempt to claim, as it is devastating to the planet and everything on it.
Considering this fact, why, do nuclear proponents encourage the use of nuclear power, and the indefinite production of more and more nuclear waste?
Thank you for your time and best regards."
A "public information source of
Subject: Public and Environmental Health.
I am trying very hard to bite my tongue and be nice, while begging people to please stop contaminating the planet with radioactive waste.
I just do not understand it,
why are people doing it?
Recognition & praise I think?
People simply enjoy seeing their name on big, elaborate projects,
even if the project is completely destructive?
Why do this?
Surely people in the nuclear industry are 100% aware of the radioactive waste crisis,
yet they continue with it?
I mean I am just completely baffled.
Do they honestly believe the world is fine with dangerous, radiation leaking reactors & radiation leaking nuclear waste dump sites
scattered all over the place?
Do they need to be reminded that there is a limited amount of space on the planet and nuclear waste is increasing in amounts?
No offense ♡ it is just terrifying,
and astounding.
Of all the environmental issues such as plastic pollution, the damaging fishing industry,
carbon emissions, etc.
I feel that nuclear is the biggest problem.
Anyone who is not afraid of the nuclear industry
must still be in the dark about the facts
& what is actually happening,
or, in complete denial of the destruction.
I feel like I am in a Twilight Zone episode.
Everyone has off-track moments &
endorses insane things.
I am certainly not perfect.
I used to eat animals,
my deepest apology, :(
which is absolutely deranged
& very unhealthy, for people and
the environment, also
were the cigarettes I used to smoke,
my deepest apology, :(
all are horrific
as is nuclear power.
Change for the better is an eternal ambition!
Evolve ☆☆☆☆☆
"Hundreds of millions of veterans
are on food stamps."
Is it true or false that most people
enlist & submit themselves to such
an incredibly brave degree,
believing the military will better their
lives as the ads had stated?
Is there no extra money for
more veteran programs?
It seems there is an abundance of funds
in government to be applied as people wish.
Are all veterans receiving food care
physically or mentally affected?
Okay I keep seeing this false story pop up more and more from different outlets, & it is very unfortunate.
Fiber does not cause gas or bloating.
That is simply incorrect.
The only things that actually create
gas/bloating are:
1. Meats
2. Eggs
3. Dairy products
4. Other animal products gelatin, etc.
5. Processed foods
6. Processed drinks
These are also the only things that
cause odor,
from all the bacteria in animal products
creating odor.
Animal foods & drinks are the only cause of such odor in the digestive system.
Baby & toddler diapers are greatly feared only because of cow milk formulas, cheese & animal products in the child's diet.
Public restrooms would also be far more pleasant if everyone ate raw whole food vegan & drank only water, no odor. ♡
"Plant based" processed foods and drinks
may still create a little amount of gas from contamination during processing
but not highly offensive odor.
Which areas of a grocery store
have an unpleasant smell?
Cheese, dairy, eggs, & meat sections.
Bacteria aisles.
Raw & whole plant foods create
no odor whatsoever,
if anything a fruit fragrance nothing offensive.
Fiber from whole plant foods only helps
to eliminate gas from the digestive system
that was already present, due to animal products or processed foods/drinks in the system.
Gas/bloating & odor are being blamed on the wrong things & fiber is being falsely accused.
Remember if you go to a restaurant and order a plant based meal, it is likely cooked on the same equipment using the same utensils as animal products,
so might result in gas/bloating/odor,
but do not blame it on the plant foods. ♡
I would guess most people who have eaten
100% raw, whole food vegan for a period of time,
will likely agree that
whole plant foods do not cause odor or gas.
Avoid the offensive & bacteria laden animal
products, & processed foods/drinks,
that bloat the belly with gas,
& never fear the whole food fiber that actually cleans out & purifies the digestive system.
In fact, if a person wants to get rid
of gas, bloating, and odor, they should
sit down and eat a whole bunch of
raw fiber,
whole fruits and vegetables.
Another issue is the cooking vegetables helps digestion idea.
Our bodies digest raw foods fine
without cooking,
cooked foods actually disturb digestion.
I could go on forever, it is also false
that cruciferous foods should be avoided,
nuts & beans do not require soaking
before eating,
any type of lentil is healthy,
food combining is unnecessary,
too many myths, too little time,
I should just make a long video
on the topic soon.
Unheated foods are far more nutritious.
Everyone can just relax & chill,
just eat. :)
I know the misunderstandings stem from unawareness, anyone who eats animal products
or a processed food & drink diet
would understandably be confused.
The only way to become aware really
is to eat super clean 100% raw &
drink only water,
for a few days, weeks, months
and experience the difference first hand.
I was clueless about all of this
until I did so, & learned the truth
about diet for myself.
Making the simple task of eating
far too complicated & stressful.
No rules & regulations.
Eat, drink, & be merry.
Men who are against guns.
Mmmmmm ;)-
That is unbearably attractive,
so unique & brave & bold & wonderful & masculine & tough.
Less guns & more muscle
in the world yes.
"Good day,
Please inform about the mayor's stance on nuclear power, and nuclear weapons?
I highly commend the mayor's ideals & goals, and I am greatly hoping he is also against every area of nuclear power, considering the devastating & growing radioactive nuclear waste crisis,
being it a much larger threat to the health of the planet, and everything on it.
Sincerely and Best Regards"
My email to the Bloomberg campaign.
I need to handwrite & mail as well as email many people, everyone should for the common good.
No endorsements here.
I only want to raise this issue to people who may influence decisions,
& will send my thoughts to others also.
I want to feel like I expressed myself at least rather than feel guilt for saying nothing to no one.
I sent the same note to Nancy Pelosi sans the "mayor" & it was rejected because of my Texas zipcode,
hmmm, well
I did not bother reading the instructions before sending lol have to be a 12th district of California resident to send an email:
It went through, no rejection.
Message to Senator McConnell:
"Good day,
Please consider placing more focus on discontinuing all nuclear power efforts,
considering the growing catastrophic situation developing regarding high level radioactive nuclear waste.
The integrity of the country's land, air, soil, water, food supply, & public health is clearly being destroyed.
America is tragically becoming saturated in radiation leaking nuclear waste.
I hope and ask for fearless action, bans on building even more harmful nuclear waste producing power plants & weapons.
I sincerely appreciate your time & attention to a matter which desperately needs much attention from government immediately.
Nuclear waste production must be stopped.
Thank you very much & Best Regards"
Feel free to copy & paste any of these letters & submit to anyone you like.
Please help raise awareness about nuclear waste.
Is anyone else anti-nuclear?
I know I am not alone.
Nuclear energy & nuclear waste
is haunting me,
I am very afraid.
Make it stop.
Everyone should be in favor of not
transforming the Earth into a giant
This is among the top threats to the world and humanity.
Radioactive nuclear waste should not
be recycled back into use, because
no new dependencies
upon nuclear power should ever be created.
(Example: "Diamond batteries"?)
If the recent fungi story is reliable then
leave radioactive waste & sites alone,
allow nature to filter the radiation
as much as it can.
No misunderstanding, alleged radiation-eating fungi is not a reason to build more reactors,
& weapons.
It is devastating to assume that nuclear energy
may continue, because we could have a fungi
capable of eliminating radiation in a few days,
& can also be used as a drug to
completely protect people from
radiation exposure,
because that is positively not the situation.
People should not consume pharmaceuticals in an attempt to healthfully coexist with radiation producing culture, such an idea is pure fantasy.
Humanity must absolutely separate
from nuclear energy
not perpetuate it.
The best choice & only solution is to immediately discontinue all nuclear power operations.
I am not a fan of windmills destroying landscapes either, driving through Texas,
I have seen it.
It is saddening to see beautiful plateaus & fields covered in windmills, I agree! ♡
The biggest focus needs to go towards
energy conservation.
How can we save energy,
not plow through it,
& worry about how to feed
a giant energy monster.
Men who believe they are doing some justice by trying to belittle women with tasteless words are only making themselves appear crude & vulgar.
Sugar, fat, & chocolate. ♡
& completely non-fattening!
Raw almond butter, apple slices, 100% cacao, & banana.
Carful not to inhale cacao flakes up your
nose, I heard that can happen,
(twiddling thumbs).
I have chocolate on the brain literally.
I feel full from just one!
Who wants the other one? ♡♡
I share! :)
Mmmm, rich, :)-
raw almond butter~oatmeal~raisin
cookie bowl ;)
coconut~vanilla~chocolate~banana~ginger smoothie.
I feel like I am junking out, lol
but it is all natural & all good,
non-fattening & no guilt!
(0 table sugar, 0 table salt, 0 added oils)
It is very easy to forget that all people are
going through their own personal torment,
may sometimes feel
alone in sadness,
but that is not the reality,
clouds are in everyone's sky somewhere,
losses & hardships effect us all.
Never believe you are alone in life.♡
Always a good friend somewhere.♡
Mmmm ♡
Macadamias & cashews heaven!
Nuts do not cause weight gain just the opposite they help burn away excess weight. ♡
If anyone is trying to lean up they should actually eat as many nuts every day as possible because the more nuts they eat the better their metabolism will improve.
Remember not to blame weight gain on the wrong foods, like eating nuts, and then a few slices of pizza, & then blaming weight gain on the nuts lol.
(I see that happening often.)
Unsalted nuts are most important,
there is an extremely unhealthy amount of
processed sodium in the average person's
diet, raw & unsalted is even better.
The outer shell of cashews are said to be steamed to help remove the shell.
I love cashews & must have them,
I have to eat store cashews,
until I get a cashew tree lol!
The shell is known to be toxic & they say raw cashews are dangerous to eat?
I have to see for myself.
I love cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, Brazil nuts, mmmmm all of them. ♡
Nuts really help to keep me from eating processed sweets. ;)
I am very grateful my life
does not revolve around worshiping
& appeasing another person.
Why is that appealing?
Everyone can value & cherish their own
lives and personal goals.♡♡♡
Live for yourself & explore your own life to the fullest. ☆
Missy having a salad. ♡
Very important to get dogs around grass
so they can eat it, grass keeps
parasites away, teeth healthy &
helps to keep dogs generally healthier. ♡
Pelosi♡Lewinsky 2020 lol?
For real!
Mmmmm!! ♡
Banana, coconut, cacao, vanilla!
I already gulped down half the glass before taking a recipe photo sorry oops.
Vanilla makes everything 1 million times more scrumptious!
I know vanilla is pricey. :/
2 whole pods here, for around $6.00,
not too outrageous, can find lower cost
vanilla no need to buy $200 organic gold leaf
blessed by the Pope vanilla pods,
any whole vanilla bean will do. :)-
Just to add delicious & all-natural
flavor to your diet & help to curb
cravings for cooked dough based
processed sweets that cause weight gain
& sickness, noooo!!!
When you are bombarded with images and advertising for processed foods, and you see them in stores, it can be challenging to resist 24/7 every single day
especially when feeling very hungry,
willpower may begin to decrease & people
become eager to just eat anything in sight
because they are hungry &
cooked/processed foods are so
much more abundant in urban areas.
The key is to find healthy & satisfying
for all the processed foods
and processed drinks in the diet.
For example, I love potato chips lol.
Table salt & oil are not healthy however.
Standard potato chips have like 1 million milligrams of sodium exaggerated but still an insane amount of processed sodium in chips & canned foods!
Processed, heated oils are also not healthy.
If the oil is raw/unheated & pure,
homemade, fresh, that would be better,
but still, pure oil is unnatural so
I do not include pure oil
in everything I eat anymore.
I used to consume lots of pure oils
now I eat high oil raw foods instead
like avocados, coconut, & nuts.
Oil is a man made product,
isolating 1 nutrient from the rest of the food,
oil is not a "whole food".
oil making is an
(2 crucial words)
not modern/artificial, for this reason
I definitely believe in the medicinal &
health benefits of pure plant oils.
However extracting oil is not ultimately necessary I think the original plant can always be used to nourish just as well.
Even sea salt, as long as it is fresh from the sea & unprocessed, plants growing near the ocean naturally contain sea salt.
Okay, to keep me from cheating &
buying potato chips when I feel "blue" lol,
(We crave processed foods during depression!)
I started making raw, sun & air dried
avocado kale and chard chips lately and
they are unbelievably delicious,
super crunchy & tasty & never
want to stop eating, just like chips,
video coming soon!
Back to vanilla, it is very potent,
can use a small amount each time,
2 pods lasts couple of days to a week.
Important to get whole & pure vanilla pods & avoid processed vanilla extract with additives.
Vanilla is very beneficial to mental health
& can be used as a psychiatric treatment,
heavy amounts of whole vanilla bean daily,
as well as other rich flavored foods like cocoa.♡
The plant kingdom is bursting with delicious flavors!
Murder or lust, which one is evil?
Does murder make people happy or sad?
Does lust make people happy or sad?
Does murder physically harm people?
Does lust physically harm people?
Is lust similar to murder in any way?
Does a lustful person deserve the same punishment as a murderous person?
Time to break from religious extremist misdirection & acknowledge the true natures of right and wrong.
Political partisanship relates to prejudice
hatred for opposing party &
partisanship prejudice instilled in childhood.
Abolish all political parties.
Children are better taught of integration over segregation.
I will never forget this friendly & curious little wild bird that followed me up a mountain.
I think it was Elbert in Colorado but not 100% sure maybe Guadalupe in Texas do not remember exactly but it would perch just a few inches away from me I could not believe how close it got to me & stare at me then fly away, then higher up the mountain it would appear again & perch shockingly close to me
& stare at me, lol,
that continued for a while! ♡
It was so wild & so awesome & I loved it,
I talked to the bird every time I saw it.
Who was that bird?
And then the adorable little mice with huge ears that live on the peaks, squeaking at me as I walked by,
they were so cute,
I thought, wow I cannot believe they live up here in these harsh conditions,
they live in the rock crevices.
Animal spirits. ☆
Child abuse is so horrible.
I would prefer verbal abuse over physical abuse any day, wouldn't you?
I am still traumatized by the memory of witnessing a woman slap a tiny little girl sitting in a stroller on her face at an amusement park in super cold weather,
her cheeks had to have been cold,
& the little girl was holding her hands up to her face & nearly choking in agony, I will never forget the little girl's facial expression, eyes shut tight & mouth gaping open crying so hard, it was horrific.
I was only a young girl also & just shocked,
I still remember it burned into my brain.
I did not do anything about it. :(
If I see that type of thing ever again I would surely do something.
The little girl was far to small to be slapped on the face like that & I would guess it was not an isolated incident.
I was fortunate enough to have never been hit on the face by my parents at all ever,
what a terrible memory that would be.
My father never laid a finger on me & my mother only slapped me on my leg a few times.
I deserved it probably, bad girl, not going home & not calling, she thought I was dead.
Alcohol greatly contributes to child abuse another reason to avoid it. Even 1 drink will affect mood.
Be good to the children they grow into good adults.
Children do not ask to be born, should not bring them here just to vent anger on them & use them as a punching bag very tragic.
I mind my own business until I see an adult physically abusing a little child, despite accidents happening maybe just lost control 1 time, rarity, everyone makes mistakes but I never want to feel guilty about doing nothing if I see something.
End all abuse, child, domestic, all, practice relaxation & stress reducing techniques,
I know children can really test ones nerves sometimes, & family members,
not drinking alcohol also greatly helps keep the peace.
Pineapple and papaya ♡♡
Thank you farmers! ♡
Love the color of papaya.
There are so many types of fruits,
different textures & flavors,
no such thing as a bored fruitarian.
My goal is to be asleep by 11pm,
as a part of a new skin care routine
& mood enhancer lol,
but it never happens,
just do it!
I need all the beauty rest I can get lol!
If I ever found a gun I would not turn it into the police,
I would destroy it & recycle the materials.
Impossible to harm anyone because it is destroyed.
& I prefer to rid of it myself, so
I know it actually was done.
Unless a policeman smashes it to smithereens right in front of me.
Mmmm red chard & avocado.
Cumin, cayenne, black pepper,
& fresh picked garlic leaves.
Garlic leaves taste like garlic. ♡
Pretty show tonight! ♡
Fresh oat milk! ♡
Dry oats & water blended & strained,
hoping this will moisturize my hair without
any stiffness or greasiness,
like everything else I have tried so far,
fingers crossed!!!
So far baking soda works best as shampoo,
it cleans the oily hair near the scalp the best,
but leaves ends dry, so I am still searching for a conditioner, and an all natural shampoo.
Baking soda is still man made,
the long term effects of baking soda
I am unsure about,
however the toxicity & pollution is not as much of a concern with baking soda,
it also comes in a biodegradable paper box.
I cannot wait to try out the awapuhi juice when it arrives, this is stressful trying to find all natural
& non-toxic hair care,
worrying I may never find anything that leaves me feeling happy with my hair & not bothered,
eager to get something that works as well as the chemical products &
the search to finally be over! :)-
Oat milk has shown to be the best conditioner so far!
Progress yaye. :)
Still not perfect, my hair feels a little stiff
but better than other things I have tried!
Also keep the oat milk away from the scalp,
it makes hair near the scalp greasy,
only apply to the bottom half of hair.
I am going to keep experimenting with baking soda as shampoo & oat milk as conditioner difference concentrations and application duration.
Until the awapuhi juice arrives in the mail hope the delivery goes smoothly lol.
Also I had to rinse oat flakes out of my hair,
oats do not strain well very mushy, have to strain more than once maybe, however good thing was oat flakes rinse out pretty easily.
I put pure avocado into my hair once & it was a total mess, took forever to rinse out,
& made my hair very greasy & stiff,
I would not recommend rubbing
pure avocado onto hair lol.
Pineapple & red pepper mmm!
How to respectfully oppose something without offending anyone,
is it possible?
With all due respect I desperately object to
all nuclear power efforts.
It is terrifying what is happening with the growing nuclear waste crisis & shocking that new nuclear operations are being built in several locations around the globe.
All nuclear energy dependency should cease absolutely immediately & no attempts at recycling radioactive waste materials back into society should be made.
This is a critical situation being ignored
due to nuclear power tragically establishing
itself as a new "clean energy"
people are cheering for, when in reality
nuclear power in all forms is
devastating the planet & everything on it.
1. It takes decades, centuries, millennia,
or longer, to "decontaminate" a location, allowing humans to occupy area once again.
3. Contamination results in cell damage to plants, animals, & humans.
4. No type of nuclear power is actually "clean" or "green", etc. quite the opposite, & shocking to even suggest such a thing really.
I can continue on for quite a while.
Solution: Do not support it, do not buy it, do not promote it, keep the Earth more clean.♡
Just made my first Etsy purchase I am all nervous & excited.. lol :)-
Fresh squeeze awapuhi juice from Florida,
searching for all natural shampoo & conditioner,
no success so far, :(
nothing really leaves hair as loose & moisturized as chemical version, frustrating!
Only I do not like soaking myself in chemicals, with regular shampoo & conditioner, yuck, & sometimes it gets in my mouth & poisons me,
so icky!
Shampoo & conditioner are only products I still sometimes use, I cut out all store bought face cleansers, soaps, body wash, lotions, moisturizers, bubble baths, perfumes, makeup, etc., all those other chemical products I no longer buy.
Chemical City, Chemicalville
Saturating the body in chemicals all day, every day, feels insane when I think about all the products I used to use daily, absorbs into the bloodstream not healthy,
also washes into the water system & contaminates water, as do household cleaners & laundry soaps.
I try to stick with lemon & clove & natural cleaners that are very fragrant & not toxic & only rinse laundry with water, I stopped buying laundry soap,
or just use baking soda sometimes.
I remember a friend remarking how unbelievably soft & clean his hair was after rinsing with awapuhi juice so I need to try it & see, if it works I can grow it.
Cannot wait to see results hope it works!
I think it comes in a plastic bottle however need to grow it myself or convince farmer to change packaging, plastic is lightweight so people like it for shipping but not good for the environment.
I Googled "buy awapuhi juice" and that was most credible & organic looking shop I saw.
Maybe have to pay more shipping for heavier glass or metal packaging, however heavier shipments mean more fuel & higher emissions, ahhh,
or homegrown always best answer smallest footprint & most fresh.
One reason I like videos, no physical products, but greatest respect to producers who keep everyone supplied with essentials,
such as healthy plant foods,
housing & clothing
(semi-essential lol, I suppose housing & clothing is essential in cold climates.),
very tough & highly complex job!
Keeping hair clean & soft while not chronically poisoning yourself or the planet is a pain ahhhhh.
Until I get it figured out!
Challenge being chemical free in today's society do the most we can.
Hello February 2020 year going to fly by y'all,
live it up,
explore the Earth more than the shopping malls,
all truly extraordinary & beautiful things
are created by nature. ♡
Quick snack mmm!
How many avocados can I eat in 1 day?
As many as you want child!
No need to limit avocados,
they help burn off excess weight &
supply lots of nutrition!
Great high fat "stick to ribs" food.
Missy loves cantaloupe rinds lol.
Just put everything in front of your pets & see what they will eat, & they often love to root through compost piles and eat things or if they smell something you have that they like they will get in your face
& beg you lol.
Sugars from fruits & fruit juice keep
dogs healthy and happy. ♡
Exactly like humans,
whole, natural plant foods are
best for animals also.
Dogs & pets should really only be eating other animals they find in the wild,
raw & uncured, naturally decomposing meat,
not cured & heated processed meats.
Cured & cooked meats are extremely unhealthy for humans and animals.
Plant foods are very healthy for dogs,
& eating grass, deters parasites,
conditions the skin & fur, etc.
Overall wellbeing depends upon
plants in the diet of animals.
When I think about all of the totally insane things I have done in the past while traveling around all alone by myself driving from one state to the next,
Cannot believe I did it,
seems frightening to me now.
Probably more to come.
Lol then I will look back on future things
in disbelief also.
Who was she..
Important to be content in solitude,
not codependent,
& I definitely am!
:)- ♡
Natural black eyeshadow, yaye!
No packaging waste,
plastic-free makeup.♡
No animal testing.♡
Just charcoal from burned plants
super easy to make,
all you have to buy is matches.
The trick is to crush it into the
finest powder possible to
make it evenly applicable.
Put leaves, branches, etc. out on
counter or outdoors to dehydrate first
before burning so they will burn better,
when plants are filled with
water/moisture they do not burn as easily,
collect charcoal onto a dish &
crush charcoal into fine powder.
I guess I should film all of that
next video, okee-dokee.
Kale, avocado, cumin, fresh picked garlic leaves.
Lots of salad keeps us healthy. ♡
:)- ♡
I like to eat many different fruits daily.
Avocado, 2 romaine lettuce leaves, cumin, cayenne, garlic leaves.
Video eating this yummy thing, download below!
Devouring dinner hungry hippo.
Dessert, mmmm ♡
Kiwi raisin chewy sweetness.
New stars appear in the sky
We need not say goodbye
We are together for all of time
Love will forever shine.
To all who left this world today & every day.
Beautiful corona morning in Katy, Texas visiting granny for her birthday! ♡
In Katy, Texas eating all of gramma's food.
Happy Birthday to my wonderful granny!
The poor cold iguanas in Florida
falling out of trees this winter season.
They are not dead they just become immobilized & so they fall, they begin moving again after warming up.
Heartbreaking what is happening.
People are taking advantage of the iguanas' immobility & defenseless to kill them & eat them.
Eating meat is not necessary to be healthy,
eating iguanas is actually very unhealthy.
Healthy foods do not have to be killed just picked.
Please move iguanas to a safe place
and allow them to recover.
Iguanas are so gorgeous I always love it when I see one, cannot wait to go back to Florida!
They have been condemned as an "invasive species".
I think iguanas are amazing creatures & deserve to be left alone like other beings, nature will handle itself.
Humans are quite destructive to the environment, more than iguanas,
& humans still have freedom to live.
Protect the beautiful & sweet iguanas, they are so cute, they just crawl on by,
minding their own business
they never bother me.♡
Mmmm fresh made coconut goodies!
"Milk" & crumble...♡
With ginger!
Coconut & ginger will heal everything,
eating the food is the best
way to cure & protect,
but applying topically also helps!
I have some skin issues from scratching at my face, it is a bad nervous habit caused by anxiety have had since I was little, & worsened with age lol no stress.
Some habits are difficult to break!
Coconut milk, aloe, & sunshine feel
wonderful on the face!
Sunshine is very healing.☆
Quid pro quo.
Squid phone home.
Doo daa
Getting delirious!
Why is there prayer & application of religious beliefs in government?
Me thinks that is unconstitutional.
Freedom of religion includes freedom of no religion lol.
Religion should be excluded from government,
especially in trials,
facts not beliefs.
Is God deciding the verdict,
justice depends upon prayer,
are they making their cases to God?
I am naturally supportive of spreading good vibes and establishing standards but something concerning about the ritual of bowing heads & praying & using the word "God" in government..
Printed on our currency, seen around government buildings, etc. showing an attempt to influence the public in an environment that is supposed to be free from any religious dominance & cater to everyone.
Mom & I are babysitting my cousin's gorgeous & adorable step daughters. :)-
These girls are smashing the fruits!
Raw vegan, sugar-free child care at your service.
No charge these girls are family. ♡
Instead of looking for an example,
be the example..
Missy girl gets a bath.♡
Doggies love to be clean also!
Pets are happier & healthier if they get a bath every day just like humans,
a simple rinse with water will do!
Look how ecstatic she is lol..
Baths help fight depression and anxiety in pets also!
Great early morning breakfast, fruit
& nuts, not too heavy.♡♡♡
High fat & protein, unsalted raw walnuts & lots of coconut in the smoothie, super filling.
The sky never ceases to amaze! ☆
Amazing blue last night..♡
Forget about everything to admire the beautiful sky.
Found a mushroom!
Mushrooms are known to be a great,
natural source of B12,
especially wild fresh picked mushrooms. ♡
Holy horseradish this tastes so amazing y'all.
Bananas, ginger, coconut, cranberries ♡
Thinking about changing website
domain name, funny I originally just
needed a catchy title for a YouTube channel
years ago,
now I am thinking
"Tara Raw Vegan Goddess"
needs to evolve, be updated.
Hmmm. Maybe?
I donno!
The best way to hydrate is with juicy fruits and coconut juice.
Water, plus extra nutrients! ♡
And delicious, sweet flavors, woohoo!
Mmmm ♡
Cranberries, unsalted raw walnuts, 2 bananas, 100% cacao.
I just crushed cranberries with my fingers lol.
I would crush up the walnuts also next time to coat everything in a nutty layer better. ;)-
Cranberries are super cleansing,
you can literally feel them tingling & detoxing your body after you eat them,
like a strong herb!
Cranberries increase heart rate/improve metabolism so they are a great weight loss aid, natural diuretic, blood sugar stabilizer, cholesterol reducer,
cancer fighter, etc.,
everything that needs to be done. ♡
Blood orange is a favorite!
I love the rich citrus flavor.
& blood orange is literally one of the most beautiful colors you can see.♡♡♡
I love just looking at it.
Beautiful & delicious foods.
Mmmm lots of yummy stuff under a thick pile of chocolate ♡♡♡
Unsalted raw walnuts, raisins, 1 whole orange, oats, 100% cacao. ☆
Have you ever had a 100% whole food,
(No breads, pasta, etc. doughy foods.)
100% un-salted meal,
without any added oils,
processed sweeteners, or table sugar?
Whaaat? ;)-
Yes, pure...♡
Try it today! ♡
Plantain & cinnamon,
avocado & black pepper,
mango & cayenne
I love stretching around & loosening up after waking up in the morning.
Cat stretch! ♡
Stretching not only increases flexibility it also helps burn excess fat & tone the muscles,
stretching is a form of exercise &
very relaxing!
5 minute ab workout.
Missy loves broccoli.
A little too much...(spoiled lol!)
The raw stems make great all natural chew toys and healthy snacks!
Whole plant foods naturally deter fleas & parasites.
She does actually eat the stems raw but prefers the flower lightly steamed.
Mmm banana & blood orange with cacao & nutmeg, mmmmm!!! ♡♡♡
Mmmm papaya & coconut ♡
I was hungry no patience to shred lots of coconut.
But the more coconut the better!
Walnuts and raisins in the other half omgosh soooo guuuud.
I ate it all. ♡
Stretching sore thighs with splits!
Full upper body workout!☆
Fresh juice drained straight from a coconut so sweet & delicious!! ♡
Most of it already gone,
once you start sipping you cannot stop,
take photo quick..
First smoothie of 2020 ♡
Wearing my old painting shorts..lol
Spilling smoothie all over myself in all the excitement!
The tomato growing process!
Very easy fruit & leafy green to grow,
the leaves are also edible!
Strawberries, blueberries, dry oats,
100% cacao,
fresh shredded coconut ♡
I would not go so far as to say coffee is unhealthy,
I simply do not like the way hot coffee stains my teeth.
Even though I absolutely love coffee in the morning, so it is really upsetting lolol.
I believe the coffee plant is very healthy and medicinal.
I went to a Christmas party the other night & it was sooooo cold inside the building, I gave in & drank some coffee just to warm up.
A healthy fruit smoothie is always a great way to start the day!
Going to be a sunny day, chilly, but sunny.
Pretty blue sky!
Physical attractiveness does not compensate for lack of sense.
I would never date a deranged, insensitive jerk just because he was very good looking.
Becoming less attractive the more he talks, yikes.
Pretty morning ♡♡♡
Foggy morning in Austin
Happy Holly every day..☆
Comment section resumed by request.
I suppose someone is reading my scribble.
Thank you!
My brother lost another 12 pounds very happy!
Finally under 200, 198 pounds!
Less body fat more muscle mass goals.
Weighing over 200 pounds is fine as long as it is bone & muscle not body fat & bloating.
Seasons Greetings!